> HCSC > HCSC Application Process

HCSC Application Process

The following steps need to be taken in the order shown to obtain Greenway Recreation/Tourism funding for a project:

1. Request funding/sponsorship from Host Community for your jurisdiction; their approval must be in writing in the form of a letter or resolution stating the amount of funding they have approved for your project.

The following list includes the contact person for requesting funding from each Host Community:

Niagara County
Contact: R. Thomas Burgasser, Esq – Phone: 716-439-7105

City of Niagara Falls
Contact: Mayor Robert Restaino – Phone: 716-286-4310

Town of Niagara
Contact: Supervisor Lee Wallace – Phone: 716-297-2150

Town of Lewiston
Contact: Supervisor Steve Broderick – Phone: 716-754-8218

Lewiston-Porter School District
Contact: Superintendent Paul Casseri – Phone: 716-754-8281

Niagara Falls City School District
Contact: Superintendent Mark Laurrie – Phone: 716-278-4205

Niagara Wheatfield School District
Contact: Business Administrator Allison Davis – Phone: 716-215-3024

2. Prepare project proposal/review form according to NRGC guidelines.

3. Submit project proposal to NRGC by NRGC’s required submission date.

4.After consultation/determination by NRGC, you will then be ready to submit your project to the HCSC for consideration. Please download the two page Review Form (below) that must accompany your submission to the HCSC. To submit your project, please follow up with the sponsoring Host Community for your project.